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How to prioritise wellbeing in the workplace.


Prioritizing employee well-being in a business involves a comprehensive approach that integrates various strategies and practices. At mojo&co we are passionate about workplace wellbeing & believe “your team are your business” , therefore their wellbeing should be a priority.

Here are several key ways that businesses can prioritize employee well-being:

1.Promote Work-Life Balance: Encourage reasonable working hours and provide flexibility when possible, such as remote work options or flexible scheduling. Encouraging breaks during the workday can also contribute to better balance.

2. Provide Health and Wellness Support: Offer comprehensive health benefits, including mental health resources like counseling services or employee assistance programs (EAPs). Consider wellness initiatives like gym memberships, wellness challenges, wellbeing gifts or ergonomic workstations to promote physical health.

3. Foster a Positive Work Environment:Cultivate a culture of respect, inclusivity, and open communication. Ensure that employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions.

4. Support Professional Development: Invest in training and development opportunities that align with employees’ career goals. This can lead to greater job satisfaction and a sense of growth within the organization.

5. Encourage Social Connections: Facilitate opportunities for team-building activities, both within and outside of work hours. Building strong interpersonal relationships can improve job satisfaction and overall well-being.

6. Recognize and Reward Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate individual and team accomplishments. Recognition programs can boost morale and motivation.

7. Address Workload and Job Design: Ensure that workloads are manageable and realistic, and that job roles are designed to be fulfilling and aligned with employees’ skills and interests.

8. Encourage Feedback and Involvement: Solicit feedback from employees regularly through surveys or focus groups to understand their needs and concerns. Involve employees in decision-making processes that affect their work.

9. Lead by Example: Leadership should demonstrate commitment to employee well-being through their actions and policies. Leaders who prioritize well-being set the tone for the entire organization.

10. Monitor and Adapt: Continuously assess the effectiveness of well-being initiatives through feedback, metrics, and observations. Adapt strategies based on the evolving needs of the workforce.

By implementing these practices, businesses can demonstrate a genuine commitment to employee well-being, which can lead to increased job satisfaction, productivity, and retention.
At mojo&co we have created a range of wellness journals to support employee wellbeing & promote work life balance. Journaling is a practical tool to manage stress & prioritise wellbeing both at work & at home.

Check out our range on

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